Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As Promised.....

I said I would work on getting some pictures where you can see Charlie's top teeth and I think I managed to get one!! :)  Here he is below in 'Kiddie Jail'!! It's where I put him when I don't like the way he is behaving! Just Kidding!!!!  I was sitting on the steps and he was looking at me through the railings! :)

You can see one top teeth peeking out!

Ah-ha!! There they are!! (The other one is up there, you just can't see it shining)

Here is a few pics of what Charlie has been up to!! He has discovered the stairs in the foyer and let's just say, he has started making them part of his exercise!! :)

1 comment:

shaefer and kristina said...

if sweet charlie is using the stairs for his 'exercise' that means his mommy is, too! lucky you! hehe!
i am REALLY wishing we did not have stairs, let alone 2 sets, in our house right now! :):) next place will be ONE story....esp if we keep having little ones!